I'm very excited for this summer! I'm starting it off with a trip to the US to visit my wonderful, wonderful family and do some tedious, tedious paper work. I'm trying to sign up for University, but a bigger pain-in-the-butt, there is not. Also in the works this summer:
-Scuba diving! Dany (or Danger, as Charlotte's autocorrect likes to call him) and I are taking the Advanced Diver Course and we plan on spending a lot of time under the water this year.
-Music! Sfigher is in a music competition that will last through the summer. I have a couple performances in late June, organized by the school of music from which I take voice lessons. I'm singing a couple of songs backed up by student musicians. All in all, it's a good time -- I've gone to the shows the last couple of years and it's always a lot of fun -- popular music, a lot of talent, and a lot of energy. Also, I've had some bands express interest in me singing with them, so we'll see where that goes.
-Playing with Fil! We're going to to the pool, to the movies, to the pool, on trips, to the pool, to the beach, to the pool! My first summer here was a bit glum, because Fil was only three years old and it was such a hot summer and mosquito-ridden summer. This left me dreading the summer last year, but I ended up having a blast. So now I'm very excited for this summer!
And now for something completely different:
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