Since it has been two weeks since I returned, I suppose this post would considered "overdue," (in Italian, in ritardo). It has been a crazy couple of weeks! The air is full of summer vacation excitement, and my summer activities are already in full-swing. Last week was full of art-ing and park-ing with Filippo. It is HOT here, so we art in the afternoon and park in the evening. And this weekend was just as busy. On Friday I found out that despite having missed the final, mandatory rehearsal for The Melting Pot concert (my music school's annual display), I could sing in the final performance here in Sala Baganza. That was great news, except that I had never gotten around to learning the song. Thank goodness the Sala Baganese (not the official term) do not speak English and do not know my song ("Feelin' Alright" by Grand Funk Railroad), because I decided to skip a couple lines and throw in some melody interpretation. But what I lacked in knowledge, I made up with in spunk. What can I can I say? I'm a rockstar. I chalk this one up as a success.
Saturday was a bit of a recovery day, as in I slept until 3pm and spent most of the day reading this engaging book The Know-it-all, which is one man's quest to read the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica. It's very entertaining and informative and I highly suggest it. (I bought it for a dollar at the used book store!)
Yesterday (Sunday), Dany and I went scuba diving for the

In other news, my birthday is in 9 days! I'm going to be 25! One-quarter a century and what I've decided to be one-quarter of my life. Good first quarter-century, I'd say.